Use quart size mixing bowl per 3.5oz packet(100g) and a spoon to mix. Cover any surfaces that may stain: untreated wood, carpet, fabric, etc. One packet colors straight, shoulder length hair (approximate). Thick and curly hair can require 25-50% more. Pour henna powder into bowl. Add hot, not boiling, water (approx 122º F) gradually to […]
Not really. If you’ve dyed your own hair before at home then this will be very familiar to you. Just read through the included application instructions thoroughly, or review on the website. The Consistency, Scent, and Rinse-out will be the three key differences. (1)Consistency: it will be thicker than your traditional chemical dye (ketchup/pudding consistency). […]
Yes, our dyes are permanent. Once applied, rinsed, and matured(48 hrs), that will be your hair color until it grows out, or is cut off. *Please Note: initial uptake of the natural colors may take two to three applications. And color will fade from the hair under certain stress, similar to traditional chemical hair dyes. […]
Yes, you can mix all the colors. We designed the HCL™ Henna-Herbal Spectrum Series™ to match the most popular colors (colors that really express the rich Henna & Herb combo). But everyone wants a choice!—so go ahead and make a unique personal color. Tip: It’s always best to stay within the same color family. Add a […]
Yes. Absolutely. As long as you’re using all natural henna and henna-herbal products, you won’t have any problems. Problems can occur when nasty additives are placed into a poor quality henna powder (Metallic Salts) and they may react with the chemicals in the synthetic dyes (Ammonia). Brittle hair and unpredictable brassy colors may result if […]
No. Henna-based products will not lighten hair—zero harsh bleaching chemicals. The pigments will keep the hair its existing color or color darker (depending on color used). Some of the red shades (Pure Henna, Wine Red, Mahogany) may express on dark hair (dark brown to black), but expect the result to be subtle. Some customers with […]
Yes. Henna works very well on gray hair. Most people get complete coverage in their initial application. If matching up roots, you may have to dye them first, wait set time, rinse, and then dye the whole head one more time to blend. At times, gray hair can be a little stubborn: the hair shaft, […]
The Quick & Simple: Henna is a flowering plant that’s been used to dye skin, hair, fingernails, leather, and wool for thousands of years. It’s actually a tall shrub (small tree) and grows natively in the tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, southern Asia, and northern Australasia in semi-arid zones. India commercially cultivates the most […]